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The Ultimate List of 25 Best Running Podcasts to Fuel Your Workouts

Are you tired of slogging through your runs alone, with nothing to keep you motivated but the sound of your own heavy breathing? If yes, we invite you to explore the rich world of running podcasts! With hosts ranging from elite runners to everyday enthusiasts, these podcasts are packed with the training tips, inspiration, and camaraderie you need to fuel your workouts and take your running to the next level.

In this ultimate list of the best running podcasts, we’ve scoured the airwaves to bring you the most informative, entertaining, and inspiring talk shows out there. Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned marathoner, these podcasts are sure to help you reach your goals and push your running game further. So lace up your running shoes, hit play, and get ready to crush those miles with the best running podcasts out there.

The Rich Roll Podcast (741 episodes)

Rich Roll’s podcast is one of the most notorious running podcasts out there. It may be essential for anyone wanting to understand the depths of health and wellness, as well as quench their thirst for knowledge about what it means to live. With his remarkable humility, wisdom, and kindness during interviews with incredibly accomplished people from all walks of life who are striving to make a positive impact on this world – Rich Roll’s podcast provides a one-of-a-kind listening experience like no other!

Rich’s life story is truly remarkable and described in his book/free audiobook Finding Ultra. His transformation from an overweight alcoholic to becoming one of the most successful ultra-endurance athletes in the world was all thanks to a plant-based diet and daily training regime. It never fails to inspire readers with its incredible account of determination, perseverance, and dedication.

Top 1 reason why to listen to it?

Discovering the benefits of a plant-based diet for runners.

The Trail Runner Nation Podcast (614 episodes)

The Trail Runner Nation Podcast, hosted by Don Freeman and Scott Warr, is a very informative weekly podcast designed specifically for trail runners. With a wide range of guests from the trail running community, including top athletes, running coaches, and endurance runners, each episode covers valuable topics such as training, proper nutrition, gear, and more. 

Don and Scott’s passion for trail running shines through in every episode, making listeners feel like they’re part of the community. If you’re a trail runner looking for inspiration and practical advice, The Trail Runner Nation Podcast is a must-listen!

Top 1 reason why to listen to it?

Best running podcast for trail runners.

The Strength Running Podcast (290 episodes)

The Strength Running Podcast is a must-listen for all running enthusiasts, from the casual jogger to the elite athlete. Diving into a plethora of topics with an in-depth analysis and precise detail, Jason Fitzgerald’s skillful interviewing technique makes each episode enlightening and thought-provoking.

Jason, who is a certified running coach himself, interviews some of the world’s best coaches and athletes to bring you highly valuable training tips and insights that will help improve your strength, running form, speed, and endurance.

Top 1 reason why to listen to it?

Jason is a very articulate certified running coach and educator – great for beginner runners.

The Running for Real Podcast (452 episodes)

Be a part of the inspirational, motivating, and encouraging conversations with former professional runner Tina Muir in her unique running podcast. With almost 500 episodes under its belt, The Running for Real podcast is a one-of-a-kind podcast that is not about bragging wins or Olympic games—it’s all about relating to runners’ experiences and exploring questions you have always wanted to ask.

Top 1 reason why to listen to it?

Tina records guided audio runs while running – great for your solo training runs.

The BibRave Podcast (272 episodes)

BibRave podcast is not only a great running podcast but also a great podcast all around. Tim and Jessica Murphy keep every episode of their podcast fresh with perspectives from the running world, including topics you’d never expect (the burro racing one is a must-listen!). 

They make it so easy for novices to understand aspects of running that initially felt overwhelming. If solo runs are your thing, give BibRave pod a shot in place of music – it’s like having a normal conversation with your buddies!

Top 1 reason why to listen to it?

Valuable knowledge for aspiring race directors on what it means to run a “running business”.

The Rambling Runner Podcast (516 episodes)

Host Matt Chittim has a unique ability to draw out the fascinating stories in each runner’s life, making all amateur runners feel acknowledged. This running podcast is remarkable because it features interviews with not just pros but also regular, everyday people /runners that don’t often get featured elsewhere. While there are some pro highlights here and there, what sets this apart is learning from the journeys of lesser-known athletes!

Top 1 reason why to listen to it?

Most episodes cover average non-experienced runners and their personal life stories and inner motivations.

The Diz Runs Radio Podcast (500 episodes)

Denny Krahe hosts one of those running podcasts that cater to everyone, from beginners to seasoned runners. His weekly episodes will offer a perfect mix of quick tips, personal stories, and interviews with people from all over the running world–from beginner athletes up to ultra-runners and medical professionals. No matter your experience level in running, you’re sure to enjoy and learn something useful every episode!

Top 1 reason why to listen to it?

Special “Quick Tip” episodes with very practical actionable insights.

The Endurance Planet Podcast (297 episodes)

The Endurance Planet podcast

Tawnee Prazak Gibson is an exemplary host who serves as a moderator and source of knowledge. Her “ask the coaches” segments with Lucho Correa, a world-renowned Ironman and marathon athlete are some of her most interesting episodes of this endurance running podcast. 

Additionally, she interviews runners, doctors, nutritionists, and more – all designed to help athletes reach their goals. Even if you’re not an endurance athlete yourself there’s still plenty for everyone else to learn from this podcast!

Top 1 reason why to listen to it?

Endurance Planet Podcast provides information on different endurance sports disciplines such as running, swimming, or biking.

The Morning Shakeout Podcast (246 episodes)

As a coach and writer, Mario Fraioli is an effortless host who always elicits meaningful responses through pertinent questioning. His Morning Shakeout Podcast interviews aren’t just about running; they leave you feeling inspired with tangible takeaways that can apply to your life beyond the track and field.

From celebrities of the sport to everyday runners like myself, each conversation explores various fascinating journeys and motivators. On top of his insightful podcasts, be sure not to miss out on his entertaining newsletter- it’s one email you’ll look forward to every week!

Top 1 reason why to listen to it?

Perfect long-run companion.

The Science of Ultra Podcast (148 episodes)

If you’re a coach, athlete, or exercise science enthusiast, this podcast is your ticket to success. Host Shawn Bearden delivers relevant content in an easy-to-follow and understandable format that’s most suitable for beginner learners. 

He consistently explains the latest research findings and developments with ease so those without PhDs can still understand them—making it much easier to rely on him as I use his podcast as a training tool myself. Not only are the topics great but there are also exceptional guests invited quite often too.

Top 1 reason why to listen to it?

Best long-distance running podcast out there.

The Running Rogue Podcast (341 episodes)

After Steve Sisson left the show in 2019 and started his own podcast Running On Purpose, Chris McClung has been running this show by himself. His expertise in elite-level running and especially the last few episodes together with Johanna (Jojo) Gretschel makes for an incredible listening experience.

Here, you get to delve into the top tier of US and world performance, while still gaining insight into current events that are relevant even to recreational runners. If you haven’t yet tuned in, I highly recommend going back through the first 100 episodes when Chris and Steve were still together – there is a wealth of knowledge waiting for you!

Top 1 reason why to listen to it?

In-depth analysis and discussions on various running topics.

The Ali on the Run Show (619 episodes)

Ali Feller and her running podcast, Ali on the Run Show, is an ideal accompaniment whether you’re taking it easy or pushing yourself to the limit. If you’re after some learning but you don’t like boring educational style, then look no further – Ali takes great care in crafting a podcast that’s both engaging and amusing. Featuring insightful guests alongside comprehensive show notes – this one should be at the top of any list when seeking inspiration.

Top 1 reason why to listen to it?

Educational and funny – makes you laugh every time!

The Marathon Training Academy Podcast (50 episodes)

Everyone needs friends like Marathon Training Academy podcast hosts, Angie and Trevor Spencer! Not only are they professional running athletes, but their warm hospitality ensures that everyone from weekend warriors to elite runners feels welcome. 

Their conversations about marathon running reveal a wealth of knowledge, marathon tips, and experience in addition to the way they balance the training with work and family life. Above all else, their commitment to each other, as well as their children, is admirable. Very inspirational and revealing.

Top 1 reason why to listen to it?

Inspiration on how to balance work, family, and training.

The Runner’s World UK Podcast (213 episodes)

Hosted by the experienced and knowledgeable Rick Pearson and Bob Hobson, The Runner’s World UK Podcast is a must-listen for runners of all levels. Featuring insightful interviews with run to the top athletes, coaches, and experts in the running world, each episode covers a wide range of topics from training strategies to injury prevention to the latest in running gear and technology. 

With Rick’s personal touch and infectious enthusiasm, this Runner’s World podcast is a great source of practical training tips and inspiration to help you achieve your running goals.

Top 1 reason why to listen to it?

One of the best running podcasts for British accent lovers 🙂

The Ten Junk Miles Podcast (628 episodes)

The perfect podcast for the average runner looking to be entertained on their long-distance runs. With its lighthearted and conversational tone, it covers topics related to road, trail, or ultra running – from nutrition (Pinole anyone?) hydration options, and even helpful tips like using a flat rock in an emergency.

Not only that but with great guests and segments such as Tony’s Tings – you’ll find yourself laughing out loud while pounding the pavement. So if you’re after some fun times while breaking a sweat – this is definitely worth checking out!

Top 1 reason why to listen to it?

One of the best running podcasts for the long run.

The Running Divine Podcast (64 episodes)

The Running Divine podcast

The host of The Running Divine Podcast, Stephanie Bales, is a passionate and successful runner. She also has an incredible talent for bringing out fascinating and inspiring stories from her guests and forming meaningful connections with them in each interview. 

Her discussions are as much about life lessons as they are about running ones; entertaining narratives from inspiring athletes that will spark inspiration among both non-runners and avid runners alike. With her interviewing style, she rarely fails to deliver engaging conversations everyone can enjoy.

Top 1 reason why to listen to it?

A podcast about running, endurance training, and also life in general. Interesting for runners and non-runners as well.

The Coach Jenny Show (44 episodes)

For all serious runners, The Coach Jenny Show is an invaluable podcast. Every episode dives into a unique training subject and offers a powerful understanding of various running-related issues including nutrition and cross-training.

If you’re seeking to take your running performance up another level, check out our highly recommended personalized coaching from the host and personal trainer Jenny Hadfield as well as her book Running for Mortals – both are certain to get you on the path to success!

Top 1 reason why to listen to it?

Profound knowledge for serious and professional runners.

The Final Surge Podcast (194 episodes)

Undeniably, this podcast is of high quality. Whether you’re an elite athlete striving for excellence or a first-time runner seeking advice on how to begin your marathon training journey, there’s something here for everyone! 

So far, the guest lineup has been truly remarkable and covers topics such as workouts, building training plans, coaching strategies, or practical issues, such as running while having a full-time job. If you are serious about improving in this sport especially if you are self-coached – then don’t miss out and give it a try.

Top 1 reason why to listen to it?

Quality information for beginner and advanced runners and coaches.

The Running Stories Podcast (7 episodes)

If you’re on the lookout for a unique take on running, this podcast is definitely worth checking out. With engaging and knowledgeable guests, it has an incredibly relaxed atmosphere in which their stories are highlighted in the foreground. 

It makes for great motivation to hear about how others enjoy running and where they started from! Don’t miss this one if you need some different kind of inspiration when it comes to your own running goals.

Top 1 reason why to listen to it?

Stories. Stories. Stories. It’s all about how other people started and manage.

The Ultrarunner Podcast (440 episodes)

The Ultrarunner podcast

If you’re looking for a podcast that truly delves into the world of ultrarunning, look no further than Ultrarunner podcast. Hosted by Eric Schranz, this incredible show is renowned for its open-mindedness and curiosity – which unfortunately leads to some obligatory negative reviews from less accepting audiences. 

Despite these occasional detractors, however, Eric’s conversations are always genuine and informative; perfect listening material if you’re interested in taking your own ultra-running journey!

Top 1 reason why to listen to it?

Deep dive into the world of ultra running and ultra-running community.

The Running Explained Podcast (102 episodes)

At every level of running, Elisabeth Scott presents thoroughly-researched and evidence-based information in a way that is easy to understand. She not only provides advice on training but also life lessons, making her podcast both informative and enjoyable for all listeners. With great content presented by an experienced host like Elisabeth, you won’t be disappointed!

Top 1 reason why to listen to it?

Evidence-based and strong content.

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