The 6 Best Running Books For Marathon Preparation 2023

If you are committed to achieving your running goal, it is essential that you acquire the necessary knowledge and expertise in order to become a more proficient runner. Over the next few weeks and months, you will need to educate yourself on topics such as training, nutrition, hydration, or mental preparation - neglecting any of these areas will result in insufficient progress. Running without a plan simply won't cut it!

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#8 Weekly Running Tips: Never Stop Reading Running Books

As runners, it often happens we get caught up in the training aspect of the sport and quickly forget about the big picture. We tend to forget why we started to run in the first place - with an ambition to learn, to grow, to reach the unthinkable. With a couple of races successfully finished, we turn running into another boring habit and slowly slowly, lose our motivation.

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Running In The Cold: How To Stay Safe And Warm

As the days get shorter and the temperature drops, runners around the world prepare for the winter running season. While it may be tempting to stay inside by a warm fire, there are many reasons why runners should keep braving the cold weather. In this blog post, we'll discuss all you need to know about running in the cold, including how to dress appropriately, stay safe, and make the most of your winter runs. So lace up your sneakers and let's get started!

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